Expert Job Search Techniques

Apr 03, 2024

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19 Apr, 2024
In the last couple of years AI took place, changing the way how HR works. In four years time, the HR functions and processes would be even more advanced. We believe in an increase of system efficiency, less human errors, and more time for HR professionals to focus on strategic tasks. With this article we explore how 2028 would look like with more prominence of automation and AI in HR processes. The Role of AI and Automation in Different HR Functions Below are five key HR functions that will be impacted by AI and automation. Let’s find out the different benefits of incorporating AI in HR. 1. Recruitment and Onboarding Recruitment and onboarding processes are already significantly impacted by AI and automation, and this trend is expected to continue and evolve in the future. Here are some changes we can expect: Automated resume screening: AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS) will scan resumes for keywords and qualifications, streamlining the initial screening process. Predictive analytics for candidate selection: AI algorithms will analyse large datasets of past hires and their performance to identify patterns and traits associated with success in specific roles. This will give recruiters an idea of which candidates will likely succeed in a given position. Chatbots for candidate interaction: AI-powered chatbots will handle routine queries from candidates, provide information about the company and job openings, and schedule interviews through conversational interfaces. Virtual Reality (VR) for onboarding: VR will create immersive onboarding experiences, allowing new hires to virtually explore the company culture, facilities, and workflows before their first day on the job. Personalised onboarding plans: AI algorithms can analyse new hire data, such as their skills, experience, and personality traits, to generate personalised and automated onboarding process. Automated training modules AI-powered Learning Management Systems (LMS) will deliver personalised training modules based on employees’ role, skills level, and learning progress. 2. Employee Engagement and Retention What if employees could use communication platforms and training methods based on their personal career goals, skills, and current abilities? This would foster engagement and help retain those employees in the long term. Predictive analytics can help spot attrition risks early, in this way organisations can take action to keep employees happy and reduce turnover. AI algorithms also help manage workloads, preventing burnout by keeping things balanced. Furthermore, employee engagement AI will play a major role in promoting organisational culture and diversity initiatives by analysing feedback data, and fostering an inclusive work environment conducive to engagement and retention. 3. Performance Management AI and automation revolutionise traditional approaches by offering transformative capabilities. These technologies enable organisations to implement real-time performance, monitor systems that analyse large sets of data to provide accurate insights into employee productivity, work quality, and goal adherence. In 2028, managers will be able to leverage AI algorithms to identify patterns and trends in data performance. It will allow more informed decisions regarding performance improvement and resource allocation. We can also expect personalised feedback system, enhancing motivation and engagement. The availability of automated performance evaluation processes will streamline administrative tasks, freeing HR managers' time to focus on coaching and development initiatives. 4. HR Administration What if HR managers can process and streamline in less than half of the time they are investing now? AI supports HR in automating routine administrative tasks such as payroll processing, benefits management, and time tracking. In the future, we’ll see AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants providing immediate support to employees, answering queries, providing information on policies and procedures, and facilitating self-service options for tasks like leave requests and expense reimbursements. Additionally, AI-driven predictive analytics will help forecast future workforce needs and trends, allowing organisations to optimise staffing levels and talent acquisition efforts. 5. Learning and Development AI and automation are revolutionising learning and development (L&D) processes, offering personalised and efficient solutions. AI-driven platforms analyse data to identify individual employee learning preferences, strengths, and areas for improvement, providing customised learning courses. Personalised content includes engaging training modules, videos, and quizzes. AI algorithms track employee progress and performance in real time, providing instant feedback and recommendations for further learning opportunities. Automation streamlines administrative tasks associated with Learning and Development. such as scheduling training sessions, managing enrollment, and tracking compliance, Helping, Learning and Development professionals saving their time and focusing on more important tasks. Which Challenges HR Professionals Will Have to Consider? Despite the numerous benefits, integrating AI and machine learning in HR came with challenges. Concerns regarding data privacy and the risk of algorithmic bias continue to be central topics of discussion. Organisations have to carefully navigate these issues, ensuring transparency in their AI systems and continuously monitoring it. The Road Ahead As we look to the future, it’s clear that AI and automation will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping HR practices. We are expected to move towards improving the human element of HR, using technologies to facilitate more meaningful interactions and personalised experiences for employees. The integration of automation and AI into HR processes will fundamentally change the field, bringing about efficiencies and insights that were previously unimaginable. As these AI and HR automation trends continue to evolve, we are looking at an exciting time for HR. Source:
19 Apr, 2024
It is easy to become frustrated or disheartened during a job search, particularly if you’ve been unemployed or job hunting for an extended period. However, it is important to try to remain positive throughout. Feeling positive will help motivate you to continue with your search. Also, your positive attitude will come across during interviews and networking opportunities, increasing your chances of making a strong first impression. Tips for Staying Positive During a Job Search Here are 12 tips for remaining upbeat and enthusiastic during your job search. 1. Get Organized Take time to get organized. Having everything you need for a job search ready will make the process much smoother. Have your resume and LinkedIn profile updated, gather some references you can use, get an interview outfit ready to wear, and put a plan for organizing your job search in place. If you haven't started job hunting yet, spend time getting set before you start. If you're in the middle of a job hunt, but not having much luck, set aside time to make sure your resume is updated and enticing to prospective employers, your LinkedIn profile is polished and professional , you're connected to the right people, and you have references ready to endorse your credentials. Review our 30 Days to Your Dream Job series to ensure you've covered the basics you need for an effective job search, and to break your search into manageable steps. 2. Create a Daily Job Search Routine If possible, treat your job search like a 9-5 job. For the time being, consider your job search as your full-time job. Wake up early, take a lunch break, and end your job search activities before dinner. Creating a regular routine and keeping your job search organized will keep you focused and motivated. Also, setting a start and end time to your job search forces you to stop thinking about your job search in the evenings, and spend time focusing on other important aspects of your life, like your friends and family. 3. Find Time to Not Think About Your Job Search It’s easy to have your job search always in the back of your mind. However, excessive worry about your job search only increases your stress and keeps you from enjoying other aspects of your life. Set aside time each day to forget about your job search and do something you enjoy, like going for a walk or to the gym (exercise is an important way to de-stress!) or going or a movie. 4. Focus on Your Positives When job searching , it is useful to make a list of your best qualities, skills, and accomplishments. This list will help you when crafting your cover letters and when practicing for an interview . Keep this list where you can see it, and review it regularly. Remembering what makes you a successful job candidate and a talented, unique person will help boost your confidence during the job search process. 5. Set Reasonable, Concrete Goals At the start of each week, make a list of specific, manageable goals that you would like to achieve. Perhaps you’d like to write five cover letters that week or go to three job fairs. By focusing on small, achievable goals, you will feel more accomplished throughout your job search. 6. Spend Some Time Networking in Person Even though you can successfully network online, nothing beats in-person networking. A cup of coffee with a former colleague, client, or friend may get you job leads that you wouldn't have otherwise known about. On a similar note, don't be shy about asking your friends and family for job search assistance . The more people who know you're seeking employment, the better your chances of getting hired quickly. 7. Volunteer Helping others is a good way to help you feel more purpose-driven. Find a volunteer organization that is related to your personal interests, or even to your career. Volunteer organizations also provide networking opportunities. The time you spend volunteering can bolster your resume and count as part of your job searching "work schedule." 8. Join (or Start) a Job Search Club Joining an organization of other job seekers will provide you with much-needed support. A job club can help you stay on top of your own job search, and may even provide you with job search tips and job leads. Look to networking sites , your local library, or your college career center for possible clubs. 9. Celebrate Small Victories It is easy to focus on the negative during a job search, such as the interview you didn’t land or the job you didn’t get. Instead, focus on even the smallest wins. Be proud of yourself for getting a phone interview , even if you don’t get asked for an in-person interview. Pat yourself on the back when you make a new LinkedIn connection or someone comments on your blog post. Celebrating the small wins will help you to focus on the positive. 10. Move On Quickly If you apply for a job or interview for a position, it is easy to become fixated on waiting for a reply from the employer. Yes, you should keep track of the jobs to which you apply, and you can contact the employer if you do not hear a response in a week or two. However, if you don't receive any response, or if you do not get the job, move on. Simply cross that job off of your list and focus on the next opportunity. 11. See Everything as an Opportunity It’s easy to become tired of writing cover letters, going to interviews, and networking . However, try to think of each activity as an opportunity that will only make you a better candidate. If you are interviewing for a job, you don’t think you want (or don’t think you will get), try to think of the interview as a chance to network and to work on your interview skills . Think of each cover letter as the chance to hone your writing and editing abilities. Simply thinking of tasks as opportunities rather than chores will put you in a positive mindset. 12. Focus on What You Can Control You can’t control whether or when an interviewer will call you back, or whether those networking contacts you emailed will provide you with any leads. If you feel yourself worrying about something that is out of your control, do something that you can control, such as writing and sending out a cover letter, or attending a networking event . By focusing on what you can do to help your job search, you will worry less about what is out of your hands. Even though it might seem like it's taking forever, once ready to start your new job it will be worth all the effort you put into getting hired, and the time you spent dealing with a difficult job search. Source:
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